Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So, my idea with these was to include the most commonly seen signs with ones that were really unique and that you really don't see everyday.

After a little thought and tonights class... I've decided to completely change directions on what I am doing for my final project.

Ultimately, street signs, no matter how 'uncommon' are pretty boring. Expect something more interesting from my final project. :^)


  1. If you write that you're going to change your plan completely, then it makes little sense reacting to this series...
    In this case I would have varied more with the distance, I would have left out the unsharp ones. It looks like a catalog of traffic signs this way.I think because they're all full frontal. All in all the series look a little bit 'dead'. Maybe you're just not that fascinated by traffic signs (not to blame..)

  2. There were too many yellow diamond-shaped signs in the beginning and I got bored.
    I liked the more unique signs, such as "speed limit 11". That got my attention back, but it came a bit too late.
    It would be better with more quirky signs like that.

    I like how the sky is showing in the "cross traffic ahead" photo.

  3. I think you're right about the signs being not much to look at on their own. Maybe the signs in context? People reacting to the signs? That being said, I did like the variations in the lighting. The signs under partial shadow made them more interesting to look at. By the way, there's is a traffic sign factory in Albany. Maybe some photos of the signs being made at the factory? A comment on how so much communication we have with each other these days comes in this extremely directive short format... (the original twitter?)

  4. Agreed - they are a little boring to scroll through. Perhaps if there were less of them, then it would be easier to pick out the ones that are abnormal, but to me it was just a catalog of traffic signs. I did like the ones that had parts of trees taking over them, I thought it made them a little more interesting. Looking forward to seeing what you do for next week!

  5. I'm with what everyone else said -- I didn't feel like you were communicating something to me about the signs. That being said, the colors were vivid and on several of them the lighting was really nice.
